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Sunday, September 14, 2008

August Recap (MEGA POST)

To those that read my blog, sorry for being away for so long. I just looked and it has been over a month since my last post. The past month has been pretty eventful for me in terms of DJing and just being out. So once again, sorry for the lack of posting. I guess in this post I'll try and recap the month as much as I can without making the post toooooo big.

August was pretty much spent in SD for the most part since my family was gone for like 2 weeks on vacation while I stayed home. Since my family went to Hawaii, I felt left out... so we hit the beach like 2 or 3 times a week.

Labor Day Weekend

The end of August came pretty quick and Labor Day Weekend was filled with an invasion of the LA folks for our event, SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS 2.0 which was held at Aubergine. Originally it was suppose to be held at Jade Theater, but the venue had to be moved last minute and I think it went pretty well. Sunday was a long day for us all. The day started off with a carwash held by the girls from DBR in Mission Valley where there were a lot of cars that came through to support a good cause and donate money for a friend of the DBR girls.

Bikini Carwash Teaser (Sunday Aug 31 2008) from dj aplus on Vimeo.

With all the commotion of the girls on the side of the street next to a busy freeway off-ramp, you can thank them for 2 accidents that were caused by people stopping in the street to look and see what was going on. HAHAHAHA!

After the carwash we headed downtown where pretty much all of were staying at the Manchester Hyatt which is located right on the water near Seaport Village for those who don't know where it is located. Pretty much the hijinks of the night started with us making a trip to Horton Plaza to go get Cyrus a shirt he bought and wanted me to pick up for him. So I convinced Mickeefree and Morgie to tag along where we ended up getting there after they had closed, but somehow Cyrus had them open the entire store back up for us so I could pick up his shirt. Felt like I was trying out to be Diddy's assistant, but after that we hit up Ralphs for food then back to the hotel.

(By the way, this whole time I am pain pills because I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled 2 days before on that Friday)

With food in our stomach we were ready to go drink. We took a taxi to the club and night of fun began.

After having to take a bike cab back to the hotel with Mickee, we got back to the room where we find the homies eating all of our Red Burritos from Ralphs and my pound of potato wedges were eaten by Walt. We hit the lobby to link up with everyone from the club were we went to the afterparty in Cyrus' penthouse room.

Having 30 people in one room is nothing but trouble, so security came up and pretty much broke up the after party and we all headed back to our rooms. Our room had Mickeefree, Tina Bo Bina, Morgie and myself. We were invaded by Vietnam when Viet and Diana came to our room. Thats when all hell broke loose and nothing was off topic. Just to be considerate, I won't speak on what was talked about but here are some pics and a video of Mickee fucking up Marlon's jokes.

MickeeFree GOT JOKES!!! from dj aplus on Vimeo.

Monday had us running around SD with all the LA peeps who wanted to do stuff. We went and got Pho off El Cajon Blvd to those who know that area. After that we hit up National City cause some of the girls wanted to hit up the Filipino bakeries and get stuff to take home. From there we went to Ski Beach where I thought it would be ridiculous, but it was pretty mellow by the time we got there around 3pm.

With everyone finally going back up to LA, I finally could go home and rest. I pretty much chilled entire week till the next weekend of fun where I would be in OC/LA all weekend.

Last Weekend 9/5-9/7

The weekend started on Friday for me at Fashion Island in Newport Beach where I DJ'd inside Bloomingdales (Big ups to Jr and Marcos for hooking that up). After that gay shit, I went to Fullerton to go meet up with Nikki, where we went back to her place where all the girls got ready for the club. We ended up getting there around 1130pm. I pretty much got there and had to hop on the turntables and start DJing as soon as I got there. The night was filled with drinks, drinks and more drinks!

We left Anaheim where Heat is located and headed back to Yorba Linda. Thank you again to Stephanie for letting me crash at her house. The ride back had us going to Ralphs, where the girls thought they could cop alcohol after 2am. I just laughed the whole time cause I knew you couldn't buy any.. ITS NOT LAS VEGAS!!!! So we hit up Carls Jr and head back to the crib. Chop it up for awhile, then we notice it was 4:30am and we all go to sleep.

Saturday was spent all over LA county with Viet swooping me up at 10am to go to "The Valley" where we had a shoot for Models in the Trunk (MITT) with a model at the Van Nuys airport. Shout out to Dean and his bro for letting us use it for the shoot. Pretty crazy that their family own a hanger at that airport. After the shoot we hit up the craziest Pho spot I say I've ever been to in Eagle Rock. It was a Pho restaurant that had white waitresses. We were all pretty confused and wondering if we were really at the right place, but thats just how they do it. Big ups to Walt for keeping us all entertained the whole day. After a long trip back to OC, I was pretty much set on heading back to San Diego until Marlon convinced me to stay and head to Hollywood with them. So instead of going home like I should, we all headed to LAX in Hollywood.

Another long weekend in OC/LA. Big ups to Sven and Daniel who I ran into at LAX. I haven't seen those guys in at least a year or so. TK was also at LAX reppin for the SD peeps. That guy is never in SD. I Got back home Sunday and pretty much detoxed and recovered all week.


I met a promoter when I was at Aubergine 2 weeks ago when I DJ'd the Slightly Dangerous Event and he wanted to book me for one of his events. Since I had to at Heat the Friday after Labor Day Weekend, I got booked for the weekend after which was this past weekend. Big ups to Chris, Danny and Jamie from One Ent for bringing me out and letting rock Aubergine on a Friday. The Usual Suspects from SD all rolled out to show support and we had I think too much fun.

Really good night. I was pretty surprised on the response. Thanks again for all the homies that rolled out that weren't pictured. I believe I'm DJing this weekend too here in SD for the One Ent peeps, so we will see. Also on the agenda for this weekend is hitting up the car show in Pleasanton, CA (Bay Area). I'm 75% sure I'm going to go, so we will see what next weekend holds for me. It has taken me pretty much like 45min to complete this post so I think I've done enough for one night. For more pictures from the events shown above here are the links.

Click Here for pictures of Slightly Dangerous 2.0 from the MITT site.
Click Here to view the MITT Blog where we posted a lot of pictures from the past weekends.
Click Here for the rest of my pictures on my Picasa Web Gallery.


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