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Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Takeover!!! **UPDATED**


The weekend started off pretty much the week before when I finished my last final two Thursdays ago. We pretty much started off the festivities of my graduation the week before the holiday weekend just to welcome back Rigo and Candice who had been in the Dominican Republic for the past 4 months.

That Friday had us all meeting up at Rigo's local work bar Desi's. We ended up showing up real late with the people who were there drunk. From there we headed to Visions in downtown where the homies were spinning. Rigo and I did not wear the same shirt, he wore my shirt because they wouldn't let him into Visions, a club with no dresscode, in what he was wearing. 

BFFs reunited.. where am I?

Lets just say someone was SUPER DRUNK.. wont name any names.

There I am. Not sure whose middle finger that is.

I wonder if someone told us to have our eyes half open or was it just cause of.. nevermind hahaha!

swiped this off of Teknikscians blog.. that guy be taking pics I dont even know about.

illin behind the tables with Impakt aka Boy Bonito. finally got my shirt back from rigo minus his hair activator juice.

That Saturday I was at Jade Theater. 

Click here for those pictures.

Memorial Day Weekend had me DJing on Wild949 (KYLD) in the Bay Area on Friday May 23rd on CLUB 949. Shout out to the homie E-Rock who asked me to do the show. Previous shows have big time DJs such as: Vice, Scene, Fashen, Echo, Steve1der, Spider, Roctakon and many more. 
Click on these links to listen.
Right click and save as to download

Grab the rest of the past shows here

Saturday I had a lil thing at my moms crib with the family during the day, but ended up in Mira Mesa at Leck and Jimmys crib for Lecks Grad Party thing.

The crew

Carl looking like a Ninja Turtle, Jimmy & Zooie

Chau & Joy

Yours truly and Nikki as the beer monitors.

Forcing Carl to take shots.. TOO FUNNY!!!

Sunday was the big day. Starting out at SDSU for my graduation at Cox Arena. Thanks to all my true friends that made it out. I love you guys. 

The madness outside of Cox Arena for the Science/Engineering ceremony

Rachelle and Me illin outside. BIO MAJORS WHAT WHAT!

I dont know if this me crossing the stage or not.
Taken by my lovely sisters who left all early from my graduation SHEESH!

Im finally OFFICIAL!!!

The homies who made me actually leave the ceremony early cause they were bored HAHA! 
NOTE: My lovely sisters I'm always talk about are missing. 
Where'd you two girls go huh?

After the ceremony I headed downtown where Zooie had gotten a room at the Courtyard Marriott right next to House of Blues. We went up 2 floors where TK had 4 rooms. We got down in his room for awhile before we headed back to our room. Once we got settled in, we headed over to The Ivy where the sucka Tony had a room. Morgie also had a room at The Ivy so we headed to his smaller room to watch the end of the Laker game. We ended up drinking a lot more than we should since the damn Lakers lost. After that I went downstairs to go scoop up Vice's cousin Oscar and the homie Marcos. From there we drank it up on the rooftop of The Ivy which is called Envy.

Mickeefree drinking that 7up and crown from the room

Getting down, Marcos and Tony doing business deals thanks to me.

Aplus & Mickee doin that preparty. I guess peace is the word.

Morgie gettin down. Thanks for the EXCLUSIVE MITT SHIRT. 1 of 12!

GoGo Tony before he was real tipsy and dancing on stage at HOB.

We've been down for a long time. We takin over in 08'

Marcos & Vice's cousin Oscar.

After Envy we went back to the Marriott to go get my gear for the club and headed over to Jade Theater for my official Graduation Party. Ended up having to walk a bunch of people in that night. It was real tough since there were SOOOOO many people in line and inside. Sorry to those I couldn't help get in. Once I got everyone in we started drinking. I got to see a lot of people I haven't seen in awhile who came from OC, LA, Vegas and even SF.

Lil Sister and I getting down inside the club.

Nikki and I chillin in the lounge before I went on. 
She karate chopped my heart that night!

Cyrus, the man who runs stuff! Thank you sir for a great party!

Vegas in the building! Table 7 till we die!

Becky in the spot with her new haircut. Lookin good girl!

Loveintheclub Erick rolled in when I was getting other people in. What a busta HAHAHA!

My lovely sisters. I love these girls to death!

Lord looking kinda faded. 

These foos trying to look hard.

Rigo and Candice's lesbian brother Jimmy.

I was suprised to see Kathy via Vegas at the club with her cousin Jackie.

After the club where do you go? The taco shop! Took NeYo's hat too.

The night isn't over until someone gets into a arm wrestling match.

After the taco shop where Impakt, Al Squeezy and Stonnie from LA were there, we went back to the hotel where Mickee ended up crashing with us. 

**Viet from Models In The Trunk finally posted all the pictures**
Here are just a few of them

for the rest of the pictures get them here at the MITT site

**Found these on MYSPACE**

**Got these from Lil Sis aka Garfield**

**Stole these from Jen's Photobucket**
Shhhhhhh :X HAHAHA!
Jen and my Lil Sis.

Middle Sister and her man Oscar. Supposedly those were $3 all night.


Reppin Models In The Trunk(MITT) ALL NIGHT LONG!

Lil Sis, Jen and the homie Marcos, the telenovela superstar. 
Check him out on Sabado Gigante!!!!

**Stole these from Leckmoney the Monster**
These are from HOB where Zooie was DJing, a block away from Jade Theater.

The Night isn't over unless it ends in a girl fight! HAHAHA!


Monday had us all linking up after check out where we went and got lunch in Mission Valley with Zooie, Nikki, Kelly, Gonzo, Morgie, Mickee and Randy. Crazy weekend overall. Thanks to everyone who called, texted, punched me and said hi for my graduation.

Once again shout out to my doodes morgie, mickee and viet from
They're doing a model search for next months model. All you girls that are interested check the website and send in your pictures. 

Here is Tony Remix's submission for Models in the Trunk.
I guess she likes to play with balls just like Tony. HAHAHAHA