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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Recap w/ Videos

Destruction of Teknikscian:

Jay wildin' out with the GOGO dancer:

Mahjestik acting out the movie 300:


Scottie & Impakt aka Birthday Boys

Jay was in love that night. Peep the video above.

Tek & TK

Hella peeps!

Special guest via Vegoose.. MEGAMAN

Dez w/ the party foul!

Kimtan getting ready for the Rampage/Griffin fight

Peace up

Look who showed up... 

FRIDAY 4th of July:

Woke up pretty crunk but I headed over to Rigos parents house for the festivities. Hella good food and lots of it! It was a nice to just chill out and not do anything crazy like at the beach this year for the 4th. After illin during the day, I headed to Coronado where Becky and her friends were at. I got there right around sunset and they were cleaning up at the grass area they had been at all day. Once everything was cleaned up, we hit the sand to a fire pit where we all cooked stuff over the pit and watched the fireworks. Watching the fireworks in Coronado was actually nice. They had 5 synchronized sets of fireworks in the bay you could pretty much see from anywhere on the island.
Got the call from the homie Mahjestik on my way off the island that they were downtown, so I headed there once I got over the bridge. Got to meet up with Al, Kristyna, Jay and Irv's cousin Dee who was in town from NYC. Preparty was at Christina's, then we headed to Tavern where Jay fell in love with the cutie behind the bar, Josepha. If you know what I'm talking about, then you know whats good. Ended back at Kristyna's where we did the drunk walk back and got food. Finished all the beers and got into a fight that there was actually a reason to go above 30th in Manhattan. Good times all around! Knocked out around 5am and headed back home after a quick nap around 730am. Crazy night!

Rigo's Brother Diego illin by the pool. Peep the bandana around his neck!

This guy was whining the whole time about dessert.

The drive back home real quick to handle stuff before I headed to Coronado.

Sunset over downtown while I was driving over the bridge to Coronado

Huge bonfire where we got some more grubbin on!

Driving back over the bridge after driving through alleys to stay away from traffic which probably would have took me an hour easily to get off the island. Got out of there in 15 minutes.

Al and Dee at Tavern

What a way to end the night/morning.. Sharpie fun!!!!


Got home and slept for another 3 or so hours, pretty much didn't sleep. Ended up doing mad work in the backyard and I decided to take a night off from partying and didn't go to the BIRTHDAY FINALE party at Prospect Lounge in La Jolla. Just headed to Rigo's house to watch the UFC fight. All in all.. one crazy weekend. Now its time for me to find a job this week. Shit is wack!!!!


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