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Monday, June 9, 2008

Another Weekend Pt.3

For some reason it seems like I am only blogging once a week now. I don't know why, its not like I'm busy but thats just how its been working out. Well the weekend for me started on Thursday where caught the Laker game then had to head to Jade Theater. Caught the end of the game at the club where the Lakers lost Game 1 :( . Didn't even spin on Thursday cause the night was pretty slow, so I was pretty much home for Leno.

Friday had me rolling with the SRC label peeps. Had a meet & greet with TOPIC from LA, West Covina to be more precise. Linked up at Seau's where we grubbed before heading to Z90 and then downtown to go see FELLI FEL. Felli was spinning at Thin where he pretty much just dropped a somewhat Vegas style set. Didn't impress me. Shout out to Jay from SRC for coppin a couple bottles. Pretty much was hella tipsy off that GOOSE. I hate when I get drunk when I don't plan on drinking.

Saturday watched the UFC fight even though it was prerecorded since it was in the UK. Left before the main fight to head to the club. Pretty much was hella wack. Felt like a bad house party. Shout out to my doode Teknikscian and Des for rollin through and chillin for a bit. Thanks for the $6 Corona.. WTF!!!!!!! I guess thats how they get down at the bar. I usually just get drink tickets and go to town, don't know anything about buying drinks other than tips.

Sunday.. got hella dark doing work outside then caught Game 2 of the NBA FINALS. Damn you Lakers!!!!!! Down by 24 with 8min left in the 4th quarter to make a huge comeback dropping over 40 points in the 4th quarter. Ended up losing. Hope they can pull at least 2 wins in their 3 game home stand this week. Otherwise, ITS A WRAP!

Be sure to check out the new KYTE player I have on my MYSPACE where I will be posting videos of my escapades and broadcasting live from where ever I am in the world. Peep game!!!!!


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