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Sunday, April 6, 2008

weekend wrap-up

As with any weekend in my life, it usually starts wednesday or thursday. But since I was on spring break this past week, I have been in weekend mode since last weekend. We did our show last tuesday which was pretty entertaining. Thursday we were at Belo in Downtown San Diego. The crew rolled out, minus Al Squeezy aka No Homo Ne-Yo (OK thats my one joke about him for this entry HAHA). When its open bar you know all of will be there in full effect. Both Mike and myself made it there for the open bar, Glenn and Al rolled through a little later.

Teknikscian & JayAllTheTime

Tek, Christine & Toe-Knee straight from NYC

Me & Pat

Look who decided to show up

Putting out the vibe at the bar

Crowd shot.. Wasnt too bad.. but lets just say we left early :)

The party is always in the DJ booth if you didnt know!

No party is complete without Mexican food. So as usual we hit up Cotixan off Genesse Ave for the hot sauce aka Jesus Juice! By the looks of things, everyone loved their food since no one was talking.

Cali burrito

Carne asada burrito

The night doesn't end till Mahjestik says its over.. if you cant tell he's saying bye to everyone reading the blog!

Be sure to peep "The Man's" blog.. I have a link over on the side under Late Night Alcoholics. I stole a couple pics from his blog. This guy took so many pictures that night his battery died on his camera.

The rest of the weekend was spent with me just doing work from home, at the homies pad or my new favorite spot, the Starbucks inside the Otay Ranch Town Center. Within the 4hrs I spent there on Saturday I got so much work done there, not to mention the gang of girlies that rolled through the spot to check me out (OK maybe not just me :P). Plus some store next to it has a great WIFI connection to use so hollerate and peep you this week suckas! Then BBQ at the homies pad and my pad today. WHERES THE HOTT LANNNKS!!!

Make sure to tune in this Tuesday to for our show, TABLETALK TUESDAYS!!! Glenn and Al are in Vegoose till Wednesday so its just me and Mike at the show since Al Squeezy gots to focus on school. So you know most of our jokes will be about them. Big news coming regarding our show so stay tuned cause its pretty big in my eyes.


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